The benefits of using compost worms

Composting is basically a process of creating a pile of organic matter that will over time break down and rot to create a nutrient-rich material which is perfect for helping plant life grow and prosper. If you combine composting with red worms or similar compost worms then this process is referred to as Vermicomposting.

This is process of keeping worms in a dedicated barrow which is generally placed outside and kept in a dry, warm area. It is often the case that the worm based compost is able to offer a range of benefits that aren’t seen with the more traditional composting process.

Materials Recycled by the worms

If you are able to include the right worms into the compost, such as the red wriggling worms, then these will be highly effective at breaking down a wide range of kitchen waste and organic matter. It is believed that the compost worms are able to consume their own body weight in waste per 24-hours.

They are highly effective at processing oily and synthetic substances and kitchen scraps, which might consist of coffee grounds, used teabags, vegetable trimmings, or fruit peels. It will also be possible to add in shredded newspaper which is also processed by the compost worms.

Space saving and convenient

A worm bin is often compactly sized, which means that it isn’t likely to take up much space once installed in the back garden. It is often found that the dedicated worm containers are a far-sight smaller then the much larger and traditional composting bins. It is also possible if you prefer to place one of these compost bins inside the home.

If a quality worm bin is used and maintained to a high standard, the likelihood of either creating a mass or smell is minimal. At the bottom of the wormeries, it is possible to place a container or bottle to catch the produced organic matter.

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